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Dr.  Monika Keller

Dr. Monika Keller

Staff of Diversity and Collaboration

ETH Zürich

Abt. Div. u. Koop.

OCT F 19

Binzmühlestrasse 130

8092  Zürich


Curriculum Vitae

Dr Monika Keller studied biology at the ETH and completed her doctorate at the Institute of Toxicology. After a few years in the private sector and at the Federal Office of Public Health, the mother of two took over as co-head of the Equal Opportunities Office at ETH Zurich on a part-time basis in 2009. Her responsibilities included the conception and implementation of measures to achieve a more balanced gender ratio at all career levels, the integration of gender aspects in research and teaching, the initiation and coordination of national and international projects, communication and counselling in cases of discrimination. In June 2019, she moved to the Respect Advice and Conciliation Centre. There she is responsible for counselling and supporting students and employees as well as internal departments in cases of violation of personal integrity in the workplace (discrimination, harassment, bullying). Monika Keller has training in coaching, team psychology and organisational consulting.

Monika Keller is also active in politics. She has been a member of Greifensee municipal council since 2010 and has served as mayor since 2014. She was elected to the cantonal council in 2023. She is also a member of the arbitration authority under the Equality Act of the Canton of Zurich and sits on administrative and foundation boards.

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